EnglishReading ComprehensionPassages with questions testing understanding and analysis
Spotting the ErrorIdentifying grammatical errors in sentences
Fill in the BlanksChoosing appropriate words to complete sentences
Synonyms & AntonymsUnderstanding vocabulary by selecting similar or opposite words
Idioms and PhrasesIdentifying or interpreting commonly used idiomatic expressions
Sentence ArrangementArranging sentences logically to form a coherent paragraph
Ordering of Words in a SentenceArranging jumbled words to form a correct sentence
Sentence ImprovementImproving the grammar and structure of sentences
MathematicsArithmeticNumber System, Elementary Number Theory, Time and Work, Time and Distance, Percentages, Profit and Loss, Simple and Compound Interest, Ratio and Proportion, Variation
AlgebraBasic Operations, Remainder Theorem, H.C.F. and L.C.M., Quadratic Equations, Simultaneous Equations, Set Notation and Language
TrigonometryTrigonometric Ratios, Trigonometric Tables, Heights and Distances
GeometryProperties of Angles, Parallel Lines, Triangles, Congruence and Similarity of Triangles, Circles, Properties of Parallelograms, Loci
MensurationAreas and Volumes of Parallelograms, Rectangles, Triangles, Circles, Right Circular Cones, Cylinders, Spheres, etc.
StatisticsData Collection, Graphical Representations (Bar Charts, Pie Charts, Histograms, Frequency Polygons), Measures of Central Tendency (Mean, Median, Mode)
General KnowledgeIndian HistoryKey events and figures in Ancient, Medieval, and Modern Indian History
Political ScienceBasics of Indian Constitution, Political System, Governance
EconomicsFundamental concepts, Indian Economy, Policies, Budget, Economic Terms
GeographyPhysical, Social, and Economic Geography of India and the World
EnvironmentEcology, Environmental Issues, Conservation Efforts
General ScienceFundamental concepts in Physics, Chemistry, Biology
Current AffairsNational & International Awards, Summits, Sports, Conferences, Important Events

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