
RITES Ltd., a Navratna Central Public Sector Enterprise under the Ministry of Railways, Government of India, is inviting applications for Engineering Professionals on a contract basis. The recruitment includes positions across Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Structural, Urban Engineering, and other technical domains.

Important Dates

Start of Online Applications31st January 2025
Last Date to Apply Online20th February 2025
Admit Card ReleaseTo be announced on RITES website
Written Test DateTo be announced on RITES website
Interview ScheduleTo be updated later

Vacancy Details

DisciplinePostTotal Vacancies
Civil EngineeringEngineer, Assistant Manager, Manager, Senior Manager75
Geo-Technical EngineeringEngineer, Assistant Manager, Manager, Senior Manager5
Structural EngineeringEngineer, Assistant Manager, Manager, Senior Manager20
Urban Engineering (Environment)Engineer, Assistant Manager, Manager, Senior Manager5
Traffic T&TEngineer, Assistant Manager, Manager, Senior Manager5
Economics & StatisticsEngineer, Assistant Manager, Manager, Senior Manager5
GeologyEngineer, Assistant Manager, Manager, Senior Manager5
ArchitectureEngineer, Assistant Manager, Manager, Senior Manager10
GeophysicsEngineer, Assistant Manager, Manager, Senior Manager5
SHE ExpertEngineer, Assistant Manager, Manager, Senior Manager10
Social ScienceEngineer, Assistant Manager, Manager, Senior Manager5
Electrical EngineeringEngineer, Assistant Manager, Manager, Senior Manager35
Mechanical EngineeringEngineer, Assistant Manager, Manager, Senior Manager45
Chemical EngineeringEngineer, Assistant Manager, Manager, Senior Manager10
Signal & TelecommunicationEngineer, Assistant Manager, Manager, Senior Manager15
Total Vacancies255

Eligibility Criteria

Age Limit

PostMaximum Age Limit (as on last date)
Engineer31 Years
Assistant Manager32 Years
Manager35 Years
Senior Manager38 Years

Age relaxation as per government norms for SC/ST/OBC/PwBD/Ex-Servicemen.

Educational Qualifications

  • Engineer: Bachelor’s Degree in the relevant discipline.
  • Assistant Manager: Bachelor’s Degree + 2 years of relevant experience.
  • Manager: Bachelor’s Degree + 5 years of relevant experience.
  • Senior Manager: Bachelor’s Degree + 8 years of relevant experience.

Note: Specific domains such as Geo-Technical, Structural, Urban Engineering, Geology, and Geophysics require a Master’s degree in the relevant field.

Application Fee

CategoryApplication Fee
General/OBC₹600 + Taxes
EWS/SC/ST/PwBD₹300 + Taxes

Selection Process

  1. Written Test (60% weightage)
    1. 125 Objective-type questions (No negative marking)
    1. Duration: 2.5 hours
    1. Minimum qualifying marks:
      1. UR/EWS: 50%
      1. SC/ST/OBC (NCL)/PwBD: 45%
  2. Interview (40% weightage)
    1. Technical & Professional Proficiency: 30%
    1. Personality & Communication Skills: 10%
  3. Final selection will be based on the combined scores of the written test and interview.

Syllabus for Written Test

SubjectTopics Covered
Technical KnowledgeSubject-specific questions based on Engineering discipline
Quantitative AptitudeArithmetic, Algebra, Data Interpretation
Logical ReasoningPuzzles, Coding-Decoding, Syllogisms
General AwarenessCurrent Affairs, Government Policies, Economy

How to Apply Online

  1. Visit RITES website: RITES Official Website
  2. Go to “Careers” → “Current Openings”
  3. Click on “Apply Online” for the relevant post
  4. Register using Mobile Number & OTP
  5. Fill out the online application form
  6. Upload required documents (Photo, Signature, Certificates)
  7. Pay the application fee (if applicable)
  8. Submit the application form and note down the registration number
  9. Take a printout of the application form for future reference

Important Links

Apply OnlineClick Here
Detailed NotificationDownload Notification
Admit Card DownloadDownload Admit Card
Result DeclarationWill be update
Official WebsiteRITES Official Website

Recommended Books for Preparation

SubjectBook NameAuthor / Publisher
Civil EngineeringCivil Engineering: Conventional and ObjectiveR.S. Khurmi
Electrical EngineeringElectrical EngineeringJ.B. Gupta
Mechanical EngineeringMechanical Engineering (Objective)R.K. Jain
General AptitudeQuantitative AptitudeR.S. Aggarwal
General AwarenessLucent’s General KnowledgeLucent Publications

Preparation Guidelines

  1. Understand the exam pattern and syllabus thoroughly.
  2. Solve previous years’ papers to analyze important topics.
  3. Regularly practice technical questions from recommended books.
  4. Stay updated with current affairs related to Railways and Engineering sectors.
  5. Attempt online mock tests to improve time management and accuracy.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. What is the last date to apply?
    1. The last date for online applications is 20th February 2025.
  2. Is there any negative marking in the written test?
    1. No, there is no negative marking.
  3. What is the selection process?
    1. Written Test (60%) + Interview (40%)
  4. What is the minimum qualifying mark in the written test?
    1. UR/EWS: 50%, SC/ST/OBC/PwBD: 45%
  5. What is the mode of the exam?
    1. The exam will be Computer-Based (CBT).
  6. Where can I download my admit card?
    1. From the RITES website.
  7. Can I apply for multiple posts?
    1. No, one candidate can apply for only one post.
  8. How can I check my result?
    1. Results will be published on the official website.
  9. Is there an interview after the written test?
    1. Yes, shortlisted candidates will be called for an interview.
  10. What is the salary for selected candidates?
  11. Salary varies based on post (₹4.94 LPA – ₹6.08 LPA).

Best of luck to all aspirants! 🚀

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